Cryochaps V Water Boots
How much heat would you want to take out of your horses’ leg if it was 42°C after a heavy exercise work out?
Do you go for ease of use and dunk some water boots into a bucket of water? A study was completed to look at heat removed after 30 mins from a phantom leg. A phantom leg was used so each test was repeatable as many variables exist when using a live subject.
Water boots only managed to displace 4-5°C from a starting point of 42°C compared to nothing at all which would equate to bringing down to normal body temperature which a horse will do of its own accord. Cryochaps displaced 14°C of heat, 3 times that of a Water boot.
Marlin, D.J. (2019) Evaluation of the COOLING EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT EQUINE LEG COOLING METHODS Comparative Exercise Physiology,
#CRYOCHAPS #NoLegNoHorse #MakeLegsLastLonger